01. 6º Dia Synthesizers, the small travel is begun. In a few seconds we have the frantic and intricate rhythm of the base that takes the song that opens the disc. They follow the vocal ones, of abridgement importance to the disc, be able to be strange the Portuguese accent of beginning, but accustom quickly and soon it becomes a delight to the ears. Distinction to a bear Zé Da Ponte (yes, also I found the name strange). The fact of being sung in all is eaten by me in a coral, with many voices, it makes the strong and very melodic track. The vocal feminine ones help in this factor. The letter is an adaptation of José Luis Tinoco for one poem of Peter Tamen. Melodically the track opens divinely the album and shuts José Luis Tinoco in in energetic way with the trio (when) they (were) (keyed), Zé D the Bridge (bass) and Fernando Fallé (battery), the trio base of the whole disc.
02. Filius Domini, Filius Hominis In the face of the frantic final rhythm of the 1st trak ‘ Filius Domini, Filius Hominis comes slow and long-suffering, the vocal serious and strong masculine (unfortunately I am not absolutely sure of the one who is the voice open to question, but suppose to belong of Carlos Rodrigues) gives a morbid and sad tone to track, this complete feeling for the saxophone of Rão Kyao. Again the best the line of bass of Zé Of the Bridge. Excellent song!
03. Hiroxima The third track, according to the name announce, it comes prophetic, with crashes and the distressing and stifling narrative of Sinde Filipe, counting ‘ powders-bombs ‘. The end is an invitation to the thoughts: “ To your side someone asks: My God, whom we did? … ” That's right! …
04. Canção Do Imigo The syncopated rhythm of the 1st track seems the beginning of this one and next it continues with subtlety, bringing vocal feminine similar to that of “ The Great Gig In The Sky ” of the PINK FLOYD, however in different style and in quite short passage. Little after 2:20 the vocal principal sings accompanied only by guitars, and again loaded of sadness and solitude since the whole concept is somewhat sad. The letter was built by parts of poems of Sá De Miranda and Bernardim Brook.
05. Invasão Quick sentence of keyboard, followed the synthesizer and the best bass. While the vocalizations give the melody, narrations intersperse the verses giving the prophetic tone what the disc needs. Again the vocal ones do with what you ready total attention, stopping everything around. Finish so the side A of the disc (be remembered, it the question be a digipack).
06. Guerra The horses of war begin to run and the synthesizer is loaded by them in the introduction when the 2nd part of the album is giving beginning so. The letter is an assembly with the poem War of Nicolau Tolentino, sung on an urgent base ‘ jazz of night club ’.
07. Carta Emotion on the surface of the skin I would say. There is felt the power of the words and of the interpretation here. There is not how not to be terrorized (and even to hear again) the final passage.
08. No 20º Aniversário Da Morte Do Poeta Beautiful symphonic beginning and while beginning the vocal principal to the track becomes a calm, however, for a short period, next the refrain, like if the people were speaking. Again José Luis Tinoco composed a beautiful melody, and of this time for the letter it was based on a poem of B. Brecht.
09. Aprendiz De Feiticeiro Again the vocal multiple ones are very quite arrived, opening way for the quick and urgent verses that insert them. To complete the urgent saxophone of Rão one annexes to the intricate base to close the music in great style.
10. Dunas To close in great style one of the pearls forgotten the Progressive world-wide Rock we have Sinde Filipe reciting a pretty text of Carlos De Oliveira soon followed a pretty subject of piano, bass, saxophone and the already known vocal ones, closing so this masterpiece.
Unfortunately a band of an alone disc (like so many other excellent directions), but I am glad what has been given by the friend Nuno with this reprint, which the distinction not to be obtained that the disc deserves what at least gives a chance for which new listeners discover it.
Review by Diego
Tracks :
01. 6º Dia [5:51]
02. Filius Domini, Filius Hominis [2:19]
03. Hiroxima [2:37]
04. Cantiga de Imigo [3:52]
05. Invasão [3:55]
06. Guerra [5:43]
07. Carta [1:11]
08. No 20º Aniversário da Morte do Poeta [3:26]
09. Aprendiz de Feiticeiro [4:39]
10. Dunas [4:15]
Link : @
Artwork Included
thanks for this one,another album that slipped under the radar down under. cheers from oz