Thursday, November 20, 2008


As far as heavy, vintage 1970 proto is concerned, Aardvark is just a few notches below the brilliance of likeminded contemporaries such as Atomic Rooster. I love that ominous Vincent Crane-like tonality that flavors many of the organ passages, and how the drumming sometimes threatens to dismantle the structures as things get wound up. Also tasty are the vibe sprinklings (ala Samurai) that color the more diffuse stretches on cuts like “Outing”. And it’s a pretty diverse offering, too, throwing in skewed boogie workouts (“I Can’t Stop”) amidst rockers like “Copper Sunset“, where they nail that raunchy guitar-tonality with their organ, evoking Quatermass. True, the vocals are somewhat less powerful than those of said colleagues, and the material isn’t always up to par. But tracks like “Many Things to Do” and “The Greencap” are eminently compelling, making this an album of considerable virtue in the annals of proto-prog.

Tracks :

1. Copper Sunset
2. Very Nice Of You To Call
3. Many Things To Do
4. The Greencap
5. I Can´t Stop
6. The Outing-Yes
7. Once Upon A Hill
8. Put That In Your Pipe And Smoke It

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Ripped by : evermoreblues
Artwork Included

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