Traslated by google translate from spanish :
The Box of Pandora is considered like one of the groups of MGP-Rock with more future by many people within the musical panorama of our country. Not in vain, the launching of its first disc “To our life another one sentío” the past year had a warm welcome in a market saturated by the fever of the Triumph, first part (and second).
They gained the group nickname revelation, exceptional thanks mainly to its direct ones. Full concerts of force and feeling where the connection with the public is superior to the one hundred percent, if this is possible. But nobody denies that good part of its hook comes dice to recall for all time in our memories to one of the best Spanish groups, “the Last one of the Row”. As much its style of music and instruments as the voice of the soloist the Garci'as are in the same plane of Quimi Portet and Manolo. Speaking from my point of view, I have in the altars this mythical group, and that aid much to that I like the songs of “the box of Pandora”. But I am not nothing in agreement with (many) the appreciations of that one cardboard people that consider a plagiarism total this musical walking. After it, my impressions on Overcome by the Time.
One is compact long play one, almost one hour of songs divided in thirteen you cut where we can find melodies of slow compass, of electrical guitar to all tablet, mixtures of the two formulas and one instruments to close the disc.
We will find the separated disc in two great parts, classifying the songs in the style traditional of the previous disc (and therefore very near the Last one of the Row) and in other styles that move away more of this way, finding some scores that they evoked to me to old successes of the Ear of Go Gogh or Elefantes. One is a rotation of rates that produces an pleasant sensation and that it will not defraud to any which they enjoyed “A our life another Sentío”.
I want to emphasize pieces of this disc in a conglomerate of emotions that I hope is to you attractive and it makes you listen to in his fullness the work of the Catalan group.
Distant sensations and nostalgias of my old discs of Ultimo happened to me the first time that I listened “the scent of our incense”, concretely of the style of that one called disc “Reasonable Astronomy”; a long song that does not have waste and is worth the trouble to listen carefully. Similarly it happened to me with metaphorical “the Shades of”, the past total of guitarreos and of fast rate, conforming perhaps the most intelligent letter of the disc, sharing this honor with “Who needs that it writes to him”, reflection aloud on the controversy that generated the appearance of the group and with a clear reference to that its music is much more that a clónico of Manolo Garci'a, much more who a handful of Sand (perhaps by the name of the first disc of Manolo).
He was pleasant to remember that one self-assured rate of “the Donkeys” when beginning to listen to the CD and to ask us all “How it has gone to you”, refrains that are repeated modifying words in each return, extracted instruments of that one time sea bream of the MGP Spanish, that so many we longed for. Also it waited for a new incursion in the flamenco touch, and they surpassed me to the expectations when listening “Not it give what me”, a species of continuation of “A our life another one sentío” where the voice of Juan sounds clean and escapes raised between palms and Spanish guitar.
And many desire of concert, to listen to this amalgam of MGP and rock beyond the loudspeakers of my chain of music, that is what they provide the glad and cañeros rates of “Overcome by the time” and “Piérdete”. Curradas and original letters, new wink to one of the concepts more used by Manolo, the Time, a delight to hear and to start up to are of their chords.
A perfect song to become first single, “Like the fish”, new reference to rain, which we also found in that one “District” of a year ago, music that hooks to first and assures that many approach to discover the disc.
And I am “More near the sun”, a song to the friendship that approaches us again the optimism and to the hope, to the freedom of the hawk, perhaps the same hawk that cried out “Insurrection” does enough years and that make us again smile thanks to the musical memory. An optimism resisted with the dark “Tell me at least”, an imminent rupture of the love where the soloist takes its voice near the limit to transport to us at the time of anguish that reflects its letter. A very usable resistance.
In order to finish off the CD and the opinion, the Box of Pandora is decided to include an instrumental song approaches that us the Island of Palm, in a summery atmosphere, and that is a point and end from calm and calmness for so many followed emotions.
While you decide if you abrís the Box or no, I will take advantage of the Time to listen to it again. Great work.
Tracks :
1. ¿Como te ha ido? 4:12
2. Vencidos por el tiempo 4:08
3. Como el pez 4:24
4. Al olor de nuestro incienso 5:34
5. Sombras del pasado 4:29
6. ¿Quién necesita que yo le escriba? 4:30
7. No sé lo que me das 4:00
8. Dime al menos 4:58
9. A tu lado 3:14
10. Entre el vendaval 5:03
11. Más cerca del sol 3:49
12. Piérdete 2:51
13. Isla de Palma 4:20
Link : http://rapidshare.com/files/142918398/de_caja.rar
Ripped by : Evermoreblues.blogspot.com
Artwork included
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